Bonds And Other Obligations

This is Chapter 11 of the Code of Virginia, titled “Bonds And Other Obligations.” It is part of Title 23.1, titled “Institutions Of Higher Education; Other Educational And Cultural Institutions.” It is part of Subtitle III, titled “Management And Financing.” It’s comprised of the following 23 sections.

§ 23.1-1100
(Effective October 1, 2016) Definitions
§ 23.1-1101
(Effective October 1, 2016) Powers of institutions vested in majority of members of board; quorum
§ 23.1-1102
(Effective October 1, 2016) Purpose of institutions
§ 23.1-1103
(Effective October 1, 2016) Institutions; powers generally
§ 23.1-1104
(Effective October 1, 2016) Institutions; powers; projects and bonds
§ 23.1-1105
(Effective October 1, 2016) Institutions; powers; borrowing upon endowment and other investments
§ 23.1-1106
(Effective October 1, 2016) Bonds generally
§ 23.1-1107
(Effective October 1, 2016) Bondholders; remedies and trustees
§ 23.1-1108
(Effective October 1, 2016) Bonds mutilated, lost, or destroyed
§ 23.1-1109
(Effective October 1, 2016) Bonds and revenues; disposition
§ 23.1-1110
(Effective October 1, 2016) Bonds as legal investments
§ 23.1-1111
(Effective October 1, 2016) Bonds; prohibition against obligating Commonwealth
§ 23.1-1112
(Effective October 1, 2016) Bonds; interest
§ 23.1-1113
(Effective October 1, 2016) Bonds; surplus to be paid into state treasury
§ 23.1-1114
(Effective October 1, 2016) Projects; accounts to be kept by boards
§ 23.1-1115
(Effective October 1, 2016) Projects; exemption from taxation
§ 23.1-1116
(Effective October 1, 2016) Commonwealth not to limit revenues of institutions
§ 23.1-1117
(Effective October 1, 2016) Borrowing to purchase real estate
§ 23.1-1118
(Effective October 1, 2016) Discretion of Governor in granting or withholding consent or approval
§ 23.1-1119
(Effective October 1, 2016) Payment of interest on bonds of the Commonwealth held by public institutions of higher education and private institutions of higher education
§ 23.1-1120
(Effective October 1, 2016) Exchange and cancellation of consol coupon bonds of the Commonwealth
§ 23.1-1121
(Effective October 1, 2016) Certificates of indebtedness
§ 23.1-1122
(Effective October 1, 2016) Provisions of chapter to control