CODE OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT MAY ISSUE, DENY, AND REVOKE LICENSES (§ 3.2-6036) A. The Department shall issue a license for shooting enclosures only to those enclosures that were in operation on or before January 1, 1995. These enclosures shall hold only those animals described in § 3.2-6040 and as specified in regulations. The Department shall issue a license to a shooting enclosure only if it meets the requirements of this article and regulations adopted hereunder. No person shall operate an enclosure unless he has obtained a license from the Department. B. The Department may deny, suspend, or revoke a license if the applicant for a license or a licensee, violates, or is otherwise not in compliance with this article or the regulations adopted pursuant thereto. C. Before a shooting enclosure is licensed and throughout the duration of the license, the Department shall inspect the shooting enclosure to ensure compliance with this article or the regulations adopted pursuant thereto. D. The State Veterinarian is authorized to seize and dispose of any livestock, as described in § 3.2-6040, found in shooting enclosures that are not licensed under this article. E. Any person convicted of operating an unlicensed shooting enclosure shall pay all reasonable costs incurred by the Department in the seizure and disposal of any confiscated livestock. F. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly provide livestock, as described in § 3.2-6040, to an unlicensed shooting enclosure. HISTORY: 1995, c. 822, § 3.1-763.5:2; 2007, c. 298; 2008, c. 860.