CODE OF VIRGINIA SUBPOENA POWERS OF COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS, ASSISTANTS, AND DEPUTIES; PENALTY (§ 64.2-1203) Commissioners of accounts, assistant commissioners of accounts, and deputy commissioners of accounts shall have the power to issue subpoenas to require any person to appear before them and to issue subpoenas duces tecum to require the production of any documents or papers before them. Commissioners of accounts, assistants, and deputies shall not have the power to punish any person for contempt for failure to appear or to produce documents or papers, but may certify the fact of such nonappearance or failure to produce to the circuit court, which may impose penalties for civil contempt as if the court had issued the subpoena. Commissioners of accounts, assistants, and deputies may certify to the circuit court the fact of a fiduciary’s failure to inform the clerk or commissioners of his nonresident status and new address pursuant to § 64.2-1409. The court, upon a finding of a violation of § 64.2-1409, may impose a $ 50 civil penalty. Such penalties shall be paid to the state treasurer for deposit into the general fund. HISTORY: 1974, c. 126, § 26-8.1; 1997, c. 842; 2005, c. 644. 2012, c. 614.