§ 62.1-258

Use of ground water in ground water management area; registration of well construction required

It is unlawful in a ground water management area for any person to withdraw, attempt to withdraw, or allow the withdrawal of any ground water, other than in accordance with a ground water withdrawal permit or as provided in § 62.1-259, subsections C, D and F of § 62.1-260, and subsection C of § 62.1-261. Each private well, as defined in § 32.1-176.3, constructed in a ground water management area shall be registered by the certified water well systems provider with the Board within 30 days of the completion of the construction. Such registration shall be in a format prescribed by the Board; however, the Board and the Board of Health shall develop joint private well forms and processes. The Department of Health shall provide the Board annually with a list of private wells that have received permits during the previous year. The list shall include each well’s characteristics and location. The Board shall provide the Department of Health annually with a list of wells registered during the previous year.


1992, c. 812; 2015, c. 465.


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